ALBUM REVIEW: Pierce the Veil’s “The Jaws of Life”

Happy Monday!

I’m back at it this week with trying to be consistent in all things life and creativity; I’m barely about to make it with this blog post (as usual), but at least I’m making an effort!

I wanted to write about this last Friday because it would have been one week since the release, but one of my favorite punk rock bands Pierce the Veil released their latest album The Jaws of Life. I’ve been listening to it nonstop so that I could give a good review on the album as a whole, as well as my favorite songs (it allowed the lyrics to finally be put on Apple Music so yay!)

initial thoughts…

As soon as the first song (“Death of an Executioner”) started playing, I got goosebumps. And once it really started going with the guitars, I was PUMPED. They chose the best song to start the album with! It was giving old Pierce the Veil, but like…the 2.0 version! Which is awesome since it has been 7 years since their last album release 😭 But even though we had to wait that long for it, I always appreciated how much time and effort they put into their music. They don’t just wait a couple of years, and suddenly there’s more music, but they take their time, which honestly makes me cherish their songs and albums even more!

Listening to song after song, I noticed that the tone of the album went from loud to soft. The first couple of songs give off that OG Pierce the Veil feel, but then there are songs like “Even When I’m Not With You” or “Shared Trauma” and of course the last song “12 Fractures” that are still rock sounding, but definitely smoother and somewhat sweeter.

The fact that there’s only one feature on this album, and it’s the very last song is also impressive! I like hearing all of Vic (the frontman’s) vocals throughout the album. And I also loved hearing his background vocals, a true piece of Pierce the Veil that cannot die out! He used some OG background vocals too, again, giving it the “this is still Pierce the Veil,” but also growing it up a little more!

My perspective on the album is partially due to the podcast I listened to with Vic Fuentes and Finn McKenty. Vic discusses how in this album, they played off more influence from bands he used to listen to growing up, and i really liked that, and could even hear it.

favorite song?

OOF, this is a toughie. Because I really like “Death of an Executioner,” and I’ve loved “Pass the Nirvana” since it came out as a single back in the late summer of 2022. The more I listened, I love “Emergency Contact,” and the title track “The Jaws of Life” too! I guess those are all my favorites, I can’t choose just one 😅

least favorite song?

I don’t think there’s a song I dislike on the album! I feel like each song has its own place. Maybe the least listened to song would be “Shared Trauma,” but I feel like I want to listen to it more, and read the lyrics of course, to get a better feel of it!

I want a music video for…

“Death of an Executioner” because I feel like it would be so cool! I’m glad that there are already MVs for “Pass the Nirvana” and “Emergency Contact,” but I kind of want one for “The Jaws of Life” too! And maybe “12 Fractures.”

I rate this album…

10/10, and not just because they’re one of my favorite bands! They continually give their fans the same Pierce the Veil flare, but in different flavors, and I love being able to say, “Yeah, that’s definitely PTV,” but it doesn’t sound exactly the same as their other albums. Something that I’m learning as I get older is that I’m not very fond of a musician if all of their music sounds exactly the same. I still think you can still use the same words, phrases, even background vocals, but put out a totally different yet amazing project. And Pierce the Veil did just that!

I’m about out of time, but I definitely say this album is worth a listen to anyone who loves some punk rock!

Mishy 🦋🤘🏽